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The Minskin is a breed of cat derived from crossing the Munchkin with the Sphynx. Since it is a cross with the same breeds, it is sometimes confused with a Bambino cat. In 1998 Paul McSorley began the development of the Minskin in Boston, Massachusetts. Just as the Siamese has color restricted to the points/extremities, Paul McSorley envisioned a cat with short legs and denser fur restricted to the points (fur-points) on the mask, ears, legs and tail, with a noticeably more sparsely coated torso, neck and belly. To accomplish his goal, he crossed his already established Munchkin (show) cats with short legs (short legs are a naturally occurring physical anomaly, a healthy dominant gene) with a full coat of fur. He then introduced and combined 'fuzzy' Sphynx for the hairless characteristic (hairlessness is a cosmetic anomaly which is a naturally occurring, healthy recessive gene) but with denser fur restricted to the extremities, making for a healthier immune system. When combined, the two healthy mutation genes do not recognise each other and therefore do not cause any detrimental impact. For the appeal of structure, temperament, type and other desired qualities, he also used his International Award Winning Burmese cats and Devon Rex in the development of his Minskin breeding program. The first standard cat that met his goal was "TRT I Am Minskin Hear Me Roar" 'Rory' was born in July 2000. By early 2005 about 50 cats meeting the Minskin vision existed and were registered by The International Cat Association (TICA). In 2008 the Minskin became recognized as a Preliminary New Breed (PNB) and is currently in TICA's program that monitors the development of new breeds and their progress toward achieving the title of Advanced New Breed (ANB). Ultimately, when all requirements are met and with the approval of the BOD, the Minskin breed will advance in TICA with full recognition in the Championship class.

Source: Wikipedia.

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